Monday, February 25, 2008

Coffee Liqueur Drizzle Cake

My baking experience needs to be catalougued, my uncle says. So here it is, my first blogged about cake.

It's Feb 24th, 9pm. I am acting like a pregnant woman. I have this super insane craving for a cake. Nevermind what kind of cake. I just to sink my teeth into something sweet and crummy. haha. So i spent like 40 minutes (preparation) plus another 45 minutes (baking time) on this Coffee Liqueur Drizzle Cake. It turned out pretty well although it was a tad too sweet for my liking even though i cut the sugar from 150g to 100g. Cookbooks can't be trusted.

A slice of heaven. And it gave me indigestion for the whole night. End

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